SHINE 2025

Submit your entry for the Top Innovations in Neonatology

The organizing committee of SHINE 2025 is pleased to announce the call for top innovations in neonatology. This conference aims to bring together leading researchers, clinicians, and innovators to discuss and share their most significant recent advancements in the field of neonatal perinatal medicine.

Synopsis of accepted innovations will be presented at the conference and published in a peer-reviewed journal. Authors and developers of significant innovations will be recognized during the conference and authors of the top innovations will be invited to present their work in person. We invite submissions that include any contribution in the field of neonatology that can potentially improve care/experience of the neonates and/or their families.

Submission Guidelines:

1.     Entry form should include:

a.     Title of Top Innovation (clear and concise)
b.     Author/s (name/s, contact information)
c.     Institution/s (if not affiliated enter n/a)
d.     Description of the innovation
e.     Impact/potential impact
f.      Point/s of distinction for the innovation-why do you think it should be chosen

2.     Fields of interest:

The submission is open all types of cutting-edge technologies in neonatal care, innovative treatments and interventions that lead to improvement in neonatal outcomes, and family-centered care. Innovations may include but not limited to:

–  Developmental care and neuroprotection
–  Neonatal pharmacology and drug development
–  Genomics and personalized medicine in neonatology
–  Artificial intelligence in neonatal care
–  Telehealth and remote medicine in neonatology
–  Innovation neonatal surgical care
–  Innovation in the care of infants at the edge of viability
–  Innovation in neonatal resuscitation
–  Innovation in neonatal nursing care.
–  Innovation in neonatal quality improvement.
–  Perinatal and neonatal epidemiology
–  Ethical and legal issues in neonatology
–  Use of social media in neonatology

3.     Format:

–  Entries are accepted only in English language.
–  Entries should not exceed 500 words.
–  Entries should be submitted using the link below:

(If the link does not take you to the response page, please cut and paste the link in your browser to access the submission page).

4.     Timeline:

–  Call for innovations:                 06/30/2024
–  Deadline for submission:          09/30/2024
–  Notification of acceptance:      10/30/2024

Review Process:

–  The conference scientific committee will peer-review all submitted innovations.
–  Final top innovations will be ranked by a selected panel of distinguished neonatologists.
–  Submissions will be evaluated based on relevance to the conference theme, originality, clarity, significance, and impact on the field of neonatology.


–  Authors of top accepted innovations will be invited to present their innovations.
–  Detailed instructions on oral presentation will be shared with winners.

Contact Information:

For questions or additional information, please contact: [email protected]

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